Moose unveils Magic Mixies Magic Lamp and Pixlings

With the Magic Mixies Magic Lamp, kids undertake a series of steps to discover a magical ring and complete a spell to set the final Mixie reveal in motion. Real mist billows out as lights and sounds emit from the Lamp and the Genie Mixie rises from within. Tapping the interactive Mixie with the magic ring and making a wish prompts the Mixie to repeat the wish before replying if it will be granted.
Kids can also create their very own Pixling doll inside a potion bottle by adding water, colourful elixirs and “magical” ingredients before saying “Magicus Mixus.” A turn and a push down of the bottle’s crystal gem stopper turns the potion transparent to reveal – like magic – a fully dry and completely posable six-inch doll; either Marena the Mermaid, Deerlee the Deer or Unia the Unicorn.
“Magic Mixies tapped an untouched space in toys by putting magic in kids’ hands for them to create, reveal and play, and we’re overjoyed that they continue to ask for more magic,” said Belinda Gruebner, chief marketing officer, Moose Toys.
“We’ve built a world focused on empowering kids and kids at heart to believe in ‘real magic’ and Magic Mixies Magic Lamp and Pixlings will deliver one-of-a-kind magical experiences in even more aisles and at every price point.”
Read the full article here.